Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Nashua Pickleball

Nashua Pickleball

Our northern neighbors have a great thing going both indoors and out. You'd be hard pressed to find courts this good in MA.
Four pickleball only courts outside with permanent nets (see below).

The photo is just a sampling of the many players who call Nashua home base. Doug Price, brother of our own Judy Forester is 2nd in from the right. Doug has been instrumental in getting pickleball started in Nashua.  

 I think a road trip may be necessary

Thursday, August 25, 2016

The Fall Lineup

Indoor Pickleball Lineup for the Fall        

Before the summer ends (mine ends at Columbus Day), I want to list the lineup for indoor pickleball as it is shaping up at this moment. For more specific information google the town's recreation site.

a day of rest

Burlington continues at 2:30 PM (pay to play pp)

Reading Beginners 6 PM (session signups ss) 
Reading Advanced Beginners 730 PM ss
Reading Intermediates 6-730 PM ss
Reading Intermediates 730-9 PM ss

The Pickledome Malden pp
Salemwood School 6 PM

Winchester 6 PM pp
McCall Middle School

Burlington Rec 230 PM pp

Waltham Basketball 10-12 noon pp

Lexington Beginners and Advanced Beginners 6-730 PM ss
Intermediates 730-9 PM ss

Other surrounding towns to be decided:


pp=pay to play each time
ss=pay upfront a session fee for usually 8-10 sessions 

Monday, August 22, 2016

The Senior Olympics in Shrewsbury

Yvonne Ting (Reading, Melrose and Central MA)  and Deb Pruitt (Belmont) take Gold after having won all games in a Round Robin

Bill Poehler and Lou Rubino (Burlington and Reading) take Bronze after playing well in a tough draw 

Nina Faraci (Andover) and Donald Forester (Reading) emerge from a large field to win a bronze in mixed doubles

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Marblehead Pickleball

Spend the winter inside beginning November 5, 2016

Marty Orloff is working to secure court time at the JCC in Marblehead on Saturday mornings from 8AM-11AM
.  The start date is November 5th.  This will be a 13 week session, ending on January 28, 2017.  The cost is $75.00.  A $10.00 drop in fee may be available.   Courts may be divided by ability level.  If you are interested in this opportunity or have any feedback for Marty, please let one of us know.  Marty does need a level of interest in order to secure this court time.  

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Congratulations to Bill Poehler

Hall of Famer and a damn good pickleball player from Burlington

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

There are new players in town (Reading)

Paul, Barbara, Patti, Michael, Chris, Tim and Kathy
Peter L missing

Monday, August 1, 2016