Thursday, March 20, 2014

More Great Tips passed on by Dave Brower, Pickleball Ambassador in the Northborough Area

The Serve: 
Serve the ball deep, and frequently to your opponent's backhand.  For most people, the serve will not win you a point, so just get the ball in play and concentrate on the third shot.  I repeat - get the ball in play, a tricky serve that only lands in the service box two thirds of the time costs you more points than it will win you.  (Note to Dave - read these tips occasionally)

The Return of Serve:
Return the ball softly and deep into the court, which gives you time to get to the NVZ ( Non-Volley Zone line, from where the game is won).  If possible, place the return of serve on the weaker opponent's backhand.  Alternatively, if the stronger opponent likes to poach, hit a soft deep return to that player.  That will keep the poacher at the baseline longer, giving you time to get into position.  Stay away from fast returns, which encourage a fast shot back to your team before you are in position.  Also stay away from short returns, which give your opponents too many shot choices.  Mixing in an occasional fast or short return may be effective if you have an opponent who does not move quickly.  Watch your partner's return, if it is soft and deep, hustle up to the NVZ.  If it is short and high, stop where you are, split step into the ready position, and prepare to block an overhead smash.  You are better off in no-man's-land, but in position to watch the opponent's paddle for an indication of where they are aiming, than you are if you rush to the NVZ and try to block a shot before you are in the ready position.

The (all important) Third Shot:
The third shot is important because you and your partner are back near the baseline where you must wait until the return of serve bounces.  This puts the serving team at a disadvantage.  A hard shot at either of two opponents who are at the NVZ line is a low percentage shot.  You are much better off with a lob or a soft shot into the NVZ.  A lob is a lower percentage shot - too long and it is out of bounds, too short and it is an overhead smash with not much chance to keep the point alive.  Therefore, work on placing the third shot softly just over the net into the NVZ.  This forces your opponents to hit the ball back upward, giving you time to get into position for another soft shot into the NVZ, or, if they get their shot up too high, a smash back at their feet or down the middle of the court.

Rules of Thumb:
Hit the ball hard when it is above your waist, softly when it is below the level of the net. 
Watch the Youtube videos of championship matches, there are more dinks than smashes. 
If you become an expert at the soft game, you will win more matches than if you become an expert at topspin line drives.

Lastly, do not confuse my poor execution with lack of knowledge - knowledge and skill are two different attributes.  You may agree that I can describe my knowledge of the proper technique for hitting a golf ball off a tight lie, but you wouldn't want to lie down and let me hit one off your forehead!

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