Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Strategy Tips

Here are some basic strategy tips from Dave Brower, the Ambassador in Metrowest. He is looking for volunteers to help with the Senior Games in August in Shrewsbury. Let me know if you can help or interested in playing.

Serve – make your serve count!  Tricky serves that miss the service court or don’t clear the net can cost you more points than you win with them.  Serve deep to your opponent’s backhand to force a defensive return.
Service return - soft and deep, so that you and your partner have time to get to the NVZ.  Keep both opponents waiting to hit the ball at the baseline while you get in position to control the court.  If they pound it back, drop the ball into the kitchen and make them run up and get it.  If they lob, whoever is in the other half of the court from where the ball will land should go back diagonally to return it - lobbing the ball back deep to get time to get back to the NVZ.

Third shot soft - hit their service return softly into the NVZ to force them to play a defensive shot.  Avoid hitting a hard shot at opponents who are already at the NVZ, it is too easy for them to slam it back or drop it into the NVZ, where you will have to run up to play it.

Hit the ball down the middle most of the time.  Avoid the sidelines unless the shot is an easy one or the opponent is out of position.

Hit the ball hard when it is above the height of the net, soft when below.  Use dink shots to draw your opponents out of position, then if you get a return above the net, place it into the vacated area. 
Don't sacrifice accuracy for power.

Forget the last shot, concentrate on a good next shot. Mistakes will be made, if the same one is made over and over, change strategy.  If it was a good shot choice, but poorly executed, forgive the error and move on.

Dave Brower

USAPA Metrowest MA Ambassador

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